Your Health
On Your Terms

Plan, then grow

Intentional Growth Behavioral Health Services is all about providing an environment that promotes growth for each of our clients.

Small steps forward

Sometimes the smallest step in a new direction becomes the biggest step of your life.

Proof, not promises

Situations like people are different. We work to provide individually catered plans for each client.

How can we help you?


Intentional Growth Behavioral Health Services strives to be of service to each of our clients. Take a look at a few of the ways that we believe we can work together.

We can do VIRTUALLY anything. As the world changes, we're able to adapt by offering contactless services while maintaining quality, empathy, connection, and safety.

It all starts with the assessment. We'll work to understand where you are and how we can best move to an improved well being.

We work together to eliminate or control symptoms to increase overall well-being.

The effects of trauma can be very difficult to overcome. We work together to find a path forward.

Let's work together

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